Emblica Officinalis

The emblica, also known as Amla, is a small or medium-sized tree plant belonging to the Euphorbiacee family; it is native to India and grows in the tropical and subtropical areas of South-East Asia.
Among the active ingredients contained in the fruit of the embica, the main ones are emblicanin A, emblicanin B, punigluconin and pedunculagin, substances that are part of the category of tannins. It has a good content of Vitamin C too.

The product is supplied as a dry extract (45% tannins) of brown color, with a characteristic odor and astringent taste

Emblica Officinalis


  • IPDistribution S.r.l.
  • +39 0283439310
  • +39 0283439312
  • Via Civesio 6, 20097
  • San Donato Milanese (MI)
  • info@ipd-srl.com
  • IT07812270960